Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, May 27, 2011

How Sweet it is to be Loved by You

At 4:30am this morning (exactly!) you woke Mama with the game of soccer you decided to play with my bladder. :) No joke, in the dark I watched (and felt!) as you kicked Mama's bladder and then rolled to the other side of the belly to receive the pass and send it back. You've certainly got some sweet muscles growing in there little Super Star!
And while Mama cheered on your "ball handling skills" there it was suddenly.... a little tune that Mama couldn't help singing quietly in the darkness.
In the words of the great James sweet it is to be loved by you!!!
Whether it is over 10 weeks of projectile vomiting and exhaustion, big strong punches to let me know you are hungry, a swift kick to let me know you want me to stop sitting through class and get up and move, or a game of 4:30am soccer with my bladder, I just love you more than life itself and I love being loved by you!
You are my miracle and my blessing!

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