Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, May 27, 2011

While you were cooking...

Sweet Baby,
So much has been happening while you have been cooking! And although I know you have been aware of some things (Mama loved that you danced straight through the Royal Wedding enjoying it just as much as Mama did!) I wanted to be sure to record for you some of the major news events that have happened early in 2011 that will inevitably be marked as the "big news" of your birth year.
So far Mama's favorite has been the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Catherine wasn't hard to get caught up in the fairytale of how a regular young lady won the heart of a prince and is now a princess :)

Although it is much less happy...two major news stories have happened this spring. First Osama Bid Laden was killed. Someday you will read about this man in your history books (I hope they still have books by the time you get to that part of school!). I don't want to put a picture of him on your blog so I'll leave it at that. The news was quite the boost for national patriotism!
Second, the spring months were filled with devastating tornadoes - so many severe storms have not been experienced in a very long time. But the positive outcome from all of these storms, including the tornado that did significant damage in your own home town of Raleigh (your whole family was very lucky to be safe!) is that we continue to see the beauty of human nature and our ability to help one another in times of need.
Joplin tornado
And even though it hasn't happened yet....just days before your arrival the final Harry Potter movie will be released. You will quickly find how much Mama loves HP and perhaps, if Mama still fits in one movie seat by mid July :), you will get to hear and see (at least the lights) of the new movie in one of our last outings before you arrive.
Mama's keeping good track of the gas and milk prices too in case you ever want to know how life was while you were cooking :) And in the meantime we are anxiously awaiting your arrival so we can share it all with you in person.

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