Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, May 27, 2011

Your BIRTH day

It's official!!!!! Baby Leonardo is scheduled to make his/her grand entrance in to the world on.....

JULY 28, 2011

Your arrival is scheduled because of Mama's history with surgery and all the potential spots for rupture that our "super ute" is carrying around. So we can say for now that we will be SEEING you on July 28. Mama and Papa are SO very excited!
Now, your loved ones remember well that big brother Benjamin was scheduled to arrive on a day 5 days ahead of his official due date and he surprised everyone (especially Mama and Papa) by coming even earlier and unexpectedly. So.....we won't consider this day a date set in stone just yet in the event you are as happy to surprise your parents as your bother was. But in the meantime, we will be counting down the days. We can't believe it is almost time to meet you!!!

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