Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, May 27, 2011

A shopping spree...

in Papa's closet :)
Anyone who knows your Mama will most likely acknowledge Mama's love for wearing shirts and sweaters that the men in her life are wearing. :)
Your Ga will attest to how many sweaters he has lost to his daughter who adores wearing her Padre's wonderful smelling and comfy clothes! And your Papa (and your Uncles!) will be quick to smile if you ask them how many shirts Mama has "borrowed" over the years.
But as we run full steam ahead in to the last two months of pregnancy you bring even more benefits for Mama - one being a very legitimate reason for raiding Papa's closet. In fact, he remembered well when Mama went on her "shopping spree" in his closet when she was pregnant with your brother so this time he was ready when he found me rifling through his shirts. He had already prepared a pile just for me (I love this man!).
So for now Baby you are wearing some sweet new fashions - Mama's favorite kind - some lovingly worn and perfectly comfortable for Baby Belly t-shirts that are just the right fit :)
Now if only Mama could talk Papa in to letting her keep these after you arrive.... :)

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