Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Privilege of Pregnancy

We've reached 9 months! What a journey it has been!! I am so proud, so honored to have had the privilege of carrying my baby all this time and having the opportunity to make such an amazing connection with this little sweet baby who I have yet to "see" but who I know so deeply already!
As I near the end of this wonderful pregnancy journey I am filled with such excitement, such anticipation. I smile when I have those moments of realization where I catch myself waddling around the house, hugging my baby watermelon, talking to a little kick, a little lump rising out of my stomach. What a lucky Mama I am to have you! I loved you when you were just a prayer in your Mama and Papa's hearts, I've loved you since the very moment I learned you were there growing inside me so many months ago and I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you in a blog.
You are my miracle and my gift.
Pregnancy is hard work and yet one of the greatest blessings I have ever had bestowed upon me.
Thank you my Sweet Little One. Mama will see you soon.
You sure have come with lots of special perks too. :) I've been taking advantage of these parking perks since you were 6 weeks old :)

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