Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Leaving the Hospital

After four wonderful nights at Rex where Mama and Christian had the best care, wonderful nurses, and the prettiest birth suite big enough for two families :) it is time to head home.
Christian was all ready to go in his new "coming home" outfit complete with the special booties Mama had surprised Papa with when she told him she was pregnant. Our little ND Fighting Irish booties had come full circle :)

We bundled you up (despite the 101 degree temps outside) and made our way out of our little pod. All of the nurses stopped to say goodbye (Ms. Joy even cried a little!) to their sweet little baby - the baby who was so quiet even when he wanted his Mama and some food :)

Mama and Papa are ready to introduce you to your new home and all the adventures that will come as we leave your first quiet "home" at the hospital.

Papa will drive like he is at the wheel of a tank to make sure we make it home safely :)
Here we go....

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