Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, July 1, 2011

Is it a boy or girl????

The excitement is nearly tangible - every friend and family member just can't wait to find out in a few weeks who Baby Leonardo will be!
Mama has received tons of guesses over the last 35 weeks whether it is based on morning sickness, how I am carrying, food cravings, the list goes on and on.
Just for fun, here are just a few tidbits/differences between pregnancies I've experienced to add to the "fire" for those who want to make an "educated" guess :)
Baby Leonardo Pregnancy
24 hour morning sickness for nearly 4.5 months (compared to brief once a day morning sickness with Benjamin until about week 12)
Tons of heartburn (no heartburn with B)
Debilitating hip pain (according to the doctor my tiny frame is not made to carry the "front load" where I have carried the majority of both of my pregnancies :)) - started much earlier in this pregnancy but also had this with B
Swollen feet (beyond human recognition and all original shoe sizes :)) (no swelling with Benjamin....he he was born in January...not the South! :))
Swollen and visibly throbbing fingers (Mama hasn't been able to wear her rings in months!) (No finger issues with B)
Thick, easy to manage hair (wish it would stay that way!) (Hair loss by the fistful early in the pregnancy with B)
Baby has a dance-off EVERY single day and night much to Mama's delight (Benjamin moved a lot but not in somersault fashion and not so often)
Recent craving for peanut butter and ice cream (Benjamin craved potatoes and nectarines)

So......what is the verdict? Will your guess be right??
We will find out VERY soon :)

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