Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Leaving the Hospital

After four wonderful nights at Rex where Mama and Christian had the best care, wonderful nurses, and the prettiest birth suite big enough for two families :) it is time to head home.
Christian was all ready to go in his new "coming home" outfit complete with the special booties Mama had surprised Papa with when she told him she was pregnant. Our little ND Fighting Irish booties had come full circle :)

We bundled you up (despite the 101 degree temps outside) and made our way out of our little pod. All of the nurses stopped to say goodbye (Ms. Joy even cried a little!) to their sweet little baby - the baby who was so quiet even when he wanted his Mama and some food :)

Mama and Papa are ready to introduce you to your new home and all the adventures that will come as we leave your first quiet "home" at the hospital.

Papa will drive like he is at the wheel of a tank to make sure we make it home safely :)
Here we go....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Your hospital entourage :)

What a lucky boy you are Christian! You got to meet your Ga and Mimi less than 24 hours after you arrived!
They are so excited to finally meet you and can't stop holding you and kissing you!
It is such a cherished moment for Mama to introduce the newest member of family legacy to her parents - your Ga and Mimi.

And everyone is so impressed with the entourage you have with you in your hospital suite :) (what Mama refers to as the Rex Carlton :))

In heaven with our little boy

After so many months of waiting Sam and I are in absolute heaven with our little boy! Our hearts could not be more full!!!
We've enjoyed 4 wonderful days of our little "cocoon" in the hospital soaking up quiet time with Christian and treasuring our new son.
One of my most favorite things in the whole world is to see my husband holding his little boy, chest swelling with pride, soaking in the sheer amazing experience that is meeting your child for the first time!

We love you beyond words Christian!
All our love forever,
Mama and Papa

A VERY excited Big Brother

Dear sweet Christian,
Your brother Benjamin has been waiting so patiently to meet you and he is so excited you are here! He talks all day about showing you his cars, sharing his food with you, waking you up :)
You have a best friend who can't wait to be with you every minute! Your Mama and Papa are so proud of their two amazing boys!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Our EARLY Surprise...It's a Boy!!!!!!!! :)

Mama has had a feeling that you were going to come early....but she never imagined you would arrive a full 14 DAYS before your due date!
And what a way to make your grand entrance my sweet! You woke Mama with a jolt at 12:33am on Tuesday, July 19. Mama thought the pains were associated with going to the bathroom but it only took a few moments for her to realize what was going on!
I told Papa you were on your way at 1:09am and he raced us to the hospital at 2:00am (he drives like Mario Andretti!!). You gave us quite a run my sweet as you were literally on your way out no matter what...Mama's contractions were only 3 minutes apart in the car and by the time we were prepping for the OR the contractions were barely 1 minute apart.
Dr. March pulled you out of Mama at 3:48am and the first thing Mama and Papa heard was your BEAUTIFUL cry, strong, confident, and announcing you were finally here. And then Papa stood up to see......and with tears in his eyes said "It's a BOY!!!!!! Another beautiful boy!!!"
They cut the cord and handed you to Papa and he brought you to me for just a moment before they took you to be weighed. What an amazing beauty you are. You are here! You are here! You are here!
After all these months of waiting and talking with you we finally have you in our arms!
Mama and Papa are head over heels, madly in love with you. And you are SO strong, so healthy, so beautiful!
My true little champion!!

We are so proud to introduce our new son
7lbs 2oz, 20.5 inches
Born July 19, 2011 at 3:48am

Thursday, July 21, 2011

All my bags are packed...I'm ready to go....

Many of you know that Mama has felt like Baby is coming early for most of this pregnancy! And staying true to her anal retentive nature :) she has had all of her bags packed for the hospital for weeks now. All gifts from Brother Benjamin, your little bag of goodies, and some surprises for Papa are all ready and waiting.

Now we wait..... :)

A Nursery Ready and Waiting for Baby

Sweet Baby's nursery is ready and waiting! Mama had so much fun decorating and getting your room ready!
Soon you will be the perfect final addition :)

Little lambs, duckies, and bunnies for my sweet little bundle. We just can't wait to meet you!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

37 Weeks....FULL TERM....We made it!! :)

SO SO SO Proud to be here....full term and feeling good! After lots of worries at the beginning our prayers have been answered and we are here! Sweet Baby, you have done SUCH a good job growing in Mama's belly. I am SO very proud of you!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Ready to Meet my Baby

"Babies are bits of stardust blown from the hand of God. Lucky the women who knows the pangs of birth for she has held a star"
Larry Barretto

Despite the feeling of bone grinding on bone in my hips with every movement, the constant heartburn, and the inability to wear any shoes your Mama feels so much sadness knowing that our time together in this magical way is limited. You are truly a star and the brief time I have had to carry you inside of me has been so precious. I may never walk on the moon but being able to grow my babies, laugh with them when they first wiggle and dance, talk with them before anyone else can hear their voices has allowed me to experience a galaxy no one else has discovered.
Even in my sadness that our time together (with you in Mama's belly) will shortly be over know that my excitement to finally hold you in my arms is more powerful than the space shuttle. My nervousness for the difficult surgery ahead means nothing when I think of that first moment when your Papa will lay you in my arms, when I will finally get to smell you, feel your skin and look in those eyes I already know so well.
I can not wait to meet you my Sweet Baby. Thank you for gracing me with your starlight.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Privilege of Pregnancy

We've reached 9 months! What a journey it has been!! I am so proud, so honored to have had the privilege of carrying my baby all this time and having the opportunity to make such an amazing connection with this little sweet baby who I have yet to "see" but who I know so deeply already!
As I near the end of this wonderful pregnancy journey I am filled with such excitement, such anticipation. I smile when I have those moments of realization where I catch myself waddling around the house, hugging my baby watermelon, talking to a little kick, a little lump rising out of my stomach. What a lucky Mama I am to have you! I loved you when you were just a prayer in your Mama and Papa's hearts, I've loved you since the very moment I learned you were there growing inside me so many months ago and I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you in a blog.
You are my miracle and my gift.
Pregnancy is hard work and yet one of the greatest blessings I have ever had bestowed upon me.
Thank you my Sweet Little One. Mama will see you soon.
You sure have come with lots of special perks too. :) I've been taking advantage of these parking perks since you were 6 weeks old :)

Visual Aid

Mama couldn't be happier with how much you are growing in there my sweet Baby!
So keep it up (make lots of baby sugar!!) over the next 2.5 weeks!!
In the meantime, Mama found a VERY accurate visual aid to describe how her other organs are feeling these days while you continue to grow strong.
 Making room for baby means everybody else...everything else....out of the way! :)

Another Cousin!!!

This is not a repeat of an earlier post :)
Baby Leonardo is expecting another Baby Cousin Messmer in December and we couldn't be happier!!!
Aunt Jessica (lovingly referred to by your big Brother as Jecca) is having a baby due around December 31 and it has been so much fun to spend time with her during this wonderful experience!
What a special, special treat for Mama to be pregnant with her two sister-in-laws!! And what fun it is going to be for you to have so many cousins so close in age! 2011 is definitely a banner year for the Messmer/Leonardo family!

Here you are at 36 weeks, kicking hello to Baby Cousin Messmer (who is 14 weeks old!). Mama had a moment where she wondered if you would get so excited you might just decide to come out and say hello in person :) Don't'll get to do that very soon!
We love you new Baby Cousin Messmer and will be so excited to meet you in just 5.5 more months!

Happy 4th of July Baby!

We celebrated 4th of July with Uncle Marky and Aunt Jess in very HOT North Carolina fashion...with a pig roast and neighborhood party. Even though it was the very first time Mama has ever been away from the Adirondacks (she's never seen fireworks anywhere but on the lake!) it was a very quiet, and nice holiday weekend.

Your brother enjoyed the pork :) and the fireworks with Uncle Marky and Papa. And I know you heard them too as you did your most powerful kicks whenever one of them would burst.
You will be here soon to enjoy all of these little adventures with us....I just can't wait!
Love you my little firecracker!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Welcome Baby Month!!!

We're here....July 2011!!
Where have the last nearly 36 weeks gone?!
Baby Leonardo will be here in 26 more days. WE CAN NOT WAIT TO MEET YOU MY SWEET LITTLE ONE!!!

Is it a boy or girl????

The excitement is nearly tangible - every friend and family member just can't wait to find out in a few weeks who Baby Leonardo will be!
Mama has received tons of guesses over the last 35 weeks whether it is based on morning sickness, how I am carrying, food cravings, the list goes on and on.
Just for fun, here are just a few tidbits/differences between pregnancies I've experienced to add to the "fire" for those who want to make an "educated" guess :)
Baby Leonardo Pregnancy
24 hour morning sickness for nearly 4.5 months (compared to brief once a day morning sickness with Benjamin until about week 12)
Tons of heartburn (no heartburn with B)
Debilitating hip pain (according to the doctor my tiny frame is not made to carry the "front load" where I have carried the majority of both of my pregnancies :)) - started much earlier in this pregnancy but also had this with B
Swollen feet (beyond human recognition and all original shoe sizes :)) (no swelling with Benjamin....he he was born in January...not the South! :))
Swollen and visibly throbbing fingers (Mama hasn't been able to wear her rings in months!) (No finger issues with B)
Thick, easy to manage hair (wish it would stay that way!) (Hair loss by the fistful early in the pregnancy with B)
Baby has a dance-off EVERY single day and night much to Mama's delight (Benjamin moved a lot but not in somersault fashion and not so often)
Recent craving for peanut butter and ice cream (Benjamin craved potatoes and nectarines)

So......what is the verdict? Will your guess be right??
We will find out VERY soon :)

An extra seat? A shelf?

Whether in use as a mobile seat for brother Benjamin

or a hiding place he now loves to stand under (and try to peer over :))
Baby Belly has reached new proportions - the home stretch of 3 more weeks!
Mama couldn't be happier watching you grow and put on as much baby sugar as possible (which you will certainly need as we will be ready to love and eat you when you arrive!). I love, love, love you little one!

Four Generations of Sleeping Babies

Just as our Benjamin did, Baby Leonardo will spend his or her first nights at home in a very special bassinet.

My grandfather Papa Tony slept in this bassinet when he was a baby in the 1920's, his daughter (my Mom) slept here in the 1950's, I curled up asleep here in the 1970's and now my babies will sleep here in the 2000's.
Four generations of Piciulo/Messmer/Leonardo babies!
I look at the bassinet each day sitting next to the bed and I have to admit I am in a little awe of the history it holds.
Your brother only fit in the bassinet for about 2 weeks ;) sweet little one. We'll welcome you to the family in the same way!
And know that your great-Papa Tony is smiling down on you!