Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, February 11, 2011

To start...vinegar. Followed by an entree of vinegar, and for dessert...more vinegar. Please!

6 weeks to the day and the nausea has set in. BUT this time it is quite different...
With Benjamin I would get sick about twice a day. Baby Leonardo #2 has decided that I'm no longer a newbie at this and should get the "full" effect...therefore enforcing literally 24 hour nausea. It doesn't even matter if I am sleeping...some nights I bolt out of sound sleep only to leap from the bed and barely make it to the bathroom.
The Italian genes must have some say in the matter though because somehow, within the non-stop feeling of the constant need to projectile vomit I am STILL hungry. Yes, I may have just lost all of what was breakfast but as I exit the bathroom I'm already thinking about how good balsamic vinegar would taste.....
That's not a typo.
Amidst the yuckiness of "morning" sickness Baby Leonardo has developed quite the affinity for any form. Would I like some eggs with  my hot sauce? No, thanks. Just the hot sauce sounds delectable.
I devour salads doused in red wine vinegar. I have to physically restrain myself from buying bags of salt and vinegar chips at the grocery store. We've had roasted balsamic chicken for dinner more times in the last few weeks than my husband wants to admit. I can't get enough mustard.
You would think that my stomach couldn't possibly handle vinegar to top off the constant feelings of queasiness but on the contrary, anything with vinegar makes me feel satisfied....if only until the next sprint to the bathroom.
So pass the vinegar...PLEASE :)

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