Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Mama Bird is "NESTING"

Perhaps it is the 75 degree gorgeous weather and the smell of spring in the house with all of the windows open that has prompted my out-of-control "spring cleaning"...
Or perhaps my little one is a mini-version of Mama aka anal retentive and in love with organizing :)
Either way, Baby Leonardo's Mama bird went on a nesting rampage this weekend:
  • Every file in the office (including 6 years of school files and 4 years of office supplies) purged and re-organized, shredded and labeled
  • All kitchen cabinets cleaned out, restocked, and yes, not quite alphabetized :)
  • Two guest room closets sifted, purged, donated (Goodwill loved us this weekend :)) and reorganized
  • All baby items re-claimed from attic, organized in bins according to size and stage and placed lovingly in baby's closet-to-be
  • Scrapbook bins reorganized and ready for a challenge (I WILL finish binding my one million scrapbooks from the last 5 years before the end of July...mark my words :))
  • All craft materials sorted
  • Entire garage cleaned, sorted, and tool bench organized (finally!) on pegboard above one of Papa's work benches (a Valentine's gift but don't let it fool was inevitable that I would move my spree in to the garage at some point!)
  • Paint chosen for Benjamin's new room
  • All bed linens washed, air dried, and gloriously fresh (Yay again for spring!)
  • Walls washed (don't ask...I was compelled to do so and I'm not entirely sure why) this rate Sam might not wish for another weekend for a few weeks.
Mama bird is making sure the nest is ready for you little one. And our boys (Papa, B, and Stanford) are my wonderful team hanging in there with me :)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! This is great! I'm giggling. I need to borrow some of your task-master-ness.
