Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, March 7, 2011

Airport security...Hah! No match for Baby Leonardo

We all have heard the recent rumblings about issues with TSA. Well, TSA is apparently no match for a baby belly. If you're looking for speedy movement through the security lines and complete avoidance of the spinning, air puffing, bomb sniffing machines they now have you stand in, look no further than a little baby belly.
On my recent travel (both to and from) I quietly moved through the security line just like everyone else...loading my bags, shoes, etc. in to the machine. But when I turned to the aggressive TSA officials guiding people rapidly through the alien-ship looking machines I was quickly received with, and I quote, "Wow, you're can just go over there" or "Are you pregnant? You don't need to go through that thing...just go around"
I wondered first if it was a trick and if after following their directions I would soon be sitting naked in some side room being told I broke the law. But instead, I just walked through. There's no messing with a baby belly.
Advantages and perks even at the ripe old age of 19 weeks...that's my Baby! :)

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