Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Papa's Strawberry Waffles

Although Mama has been able to feel Baby's "Lord of the Dance" :) for quite some time now, poor Papa, up to this point, wasn't quite sure if he was feeling a stomach grumble or a baby kick. Until he made you waffles... :)
As many of you know, among his myriad of other talents, Papa (Sam) Leonardo is famous for his waffles.
He delighted Mama (and Baby!) with fresh strawberry waffles on a lovely weekend morning and within minutes of that first bite Baby Leonardo had something to "say".
This time, there was no doubt when he/she booted Papa's hand and made him jump.
A little round of applause from the uterine peanut gallery.  :)
If only our little one could have seen the look of pure joy and love on his/her Papa's face with that first kick. Some day soon Papa will be smothering you with kisses and making you as many strawberry waffles as your heart desires!

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