Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A first kick

One of the most precious moments of my pregnancy is certainly the moment when my baby gives that first "there will be no doubt you feel this one" kick.
I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when Benjamin kicked me. And Baby Leonardo made a lasting impression as well. :)
Although I have been feeling Baby move and "bubble" and "flutter" for some time now, on a wonderful family weekend in February we had sat down for a big dinner following a beautiful day. Papa had grilled some delicious hamburgers and we were enjoying our little family around the dinner table.
In an amazingly fitting way Baby Leonardo decided to boot Mama right in the middle of dinner....making it VERY clear that there will be no doubt when Baby wants to participate in our family conversations, even in utero.  :)
Mama had perma grin for hours. I love you more than you even know little one!! And I am so proud of those beautiful muscles you're growing! Keep those kicks coming!!

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