Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Papa's Early Christmas Present

My Thanksgiving 2010 was especially wonderful as I found out on turkey day that I was pregnant. Giving thanks took on a whole new meaning when I knew I had a little baby growing inside! We were traveling for the holiday so I waited until the weekend when we returned home to share the good news with my amazing husband and soon-to-be-Papa...for the second time.
Months before we conceived I had purchased Notre Dame baby booties in hopes that if we were blessed to get pregnant again I would be able to share the surprise with Sam by presenting him with the first of many Irish apparel for the newest little Irish fan in our family.
When he opened the "gift" he thought I simply wasn't able to wait to give him one of his Christmas presents a few weeks early (since I want Christmas to start the day after Thanksgiving :)) took a few minutes - and my perma grin - for him to understand we had another bun in the oven! What joy when it all sunk in!!!!

I don't know that there is anything so special as sharing this kind of news with your husband! And having this little secret between the two of you before you share it with the world is SO much fun!
So here we are beginning the adventure again....and we could NOT be HAPPIER!!!

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