Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, June 20, 2011

Touched by Angels

We had quite a thunderstorm on Thursday night and with your brother Benjamin in his big boy bed Mama now has the ability to lie down with him when he gets scared in the middle of the night.
He felt better touching Mama as he fell back to sleep - something I cherish beyond words.
So I lay there in the dark with your brother, with his small hand stroking my cheek and eventually landing half way on my cheek and eye with a small finger nestled just slightly in my nose.... (some of the little things I love about being a Mama) and just as he began to doze off you began to dance.
You always love being around your brother - you two make quite the pair already :)
I couldn't figure out if you were trying to reach out to comfort him or if you simply were enjoying a midnight dance.
Either way I lay there in that bed with the realization that I was being touched by angels - both inside and out. One warm hand mushing my face and one small hand or foot batting my bladder, stomach, etc. I don't think there is any where else I want to be but in this moment...with my miracles.

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